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喜愛繪畫,七歲開始習水墨畫,曾多次於全國及全港國畫比賽中獲獎,包括愛我中華少兒書畫大賽一等獎及兩度奪得全港青年繪 畫比賽中學組冠軍。
Carmen Or
Carmen graduated with a Bachelor of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology and Biodiversity at The University of Hong Kong.
With an interest in drawing, she began to learn Chinese painting at the age of seven. Her works has been awarded in both local and national-wide Chinese painting competitions, including the first prize in the Chinese Children's Painting and Calligraphy Contest and twice as champion in The Hong Kong Youth Painting Competition.
As a devoted birdwatcher, her recent artworks focus on local biodiversity, especially birds.
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