Founded by two HK artists Chung Wai Ian & Ng Ka Chun. MUDwork seeks to raise an alternative way of living through making objects.
鍾惠恩 Chung Wai Ian
09年於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畢業,從事雕塑創作。曾參與藝術項目包括啟德「土炮遊樂場」、藝術推廣辦事處「公共藝術計劃2015」、C&G藝術單位「錦田、釜山藝術交流計劃——後桃花園記」、香港奧沙畫廊「這麼近那麼遠- 香港和英國之間的某處」、印度孟買藝術家駐留計劃「[en]counters 2013: powerPLAY」。現為1a Space Artistic Panel 成員。
Hong Kong based artist. Chung Wai Ian received her BA from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2009. She has been invited in projects including Kai Tak “Play Depot”, Art Promotion Office “Public Art Scheme 2015”, C&G Artpartment “Art exchange project between Kam Tin and Busan - In Search Of Peachland”, Osage HK “Both Sides Now - Somewhere between Hong Kong and the UK”, Mumbai Artist-in-Resident “[en]counters 2013: powerPLAY”. She is one of the artistic panels in 1a space.
吳家俊 Ng Ka Chun
08年於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畢業。他的作品多以雕塑或裝置的方法呈現,除日常物件的重塑再造,也進入到一些社會場景,探討城市發展、自然環境等題目。此外,近年他參與了多個公共/社區藝術計劃,包括「坪輋村校展演藝術節」、「錦田、釜山藝術交流計劃——後桃花園記」、「港鐵。藝術」、「M+ Rover」計劃等。現為1a Space Artistic Panel 成員。
Hong Kong based artist. Ng Ka Chun received his BA from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2008.. His art unsettles city dwellers' relationship with nature. In many of his works, he puts a spin on ready-made objects, presenting an alternative perspective that challenges the commonly accepted way of life. He also responds to social issues concerning fast-paced development in the city and preservation with interventional installations. In recent years, he has participated in several public/community art projects including “Grounded: Ping Yeung School of Art”, “In Search of Peachland”, Art in MTR , M+ Rover and etc. He is one of the artistic panels in 1a space.