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Online Exhibition

小桐 Siu Tung
Like listening to and writing stories.
"Whenever Brandon goes to Tai Sang Wai, he collects foods and stories. And he will dehydrate and air-dry the food he intends to make into a specimen. However, there are too many varieties of food in Tai Sang Wai. Therefore, he has to carry boxes of food like after a big feast of takeaway every time he leaves for his studio. On his way bringing the food back to his studio inside city for making specimens, he still seems to smell the scent of food of Tai Sang Wai."

黃小燕 Phoebe WONG
Phoebe WONG is a Hong Kong-based culture worker with a special interest in contemporary art, design and visual media.
"Besides, I do know that learning about nature through literature is second-hand experience. One can only learn and experience nature through one's senses and physical encounter. In the preface of The Dao of Butterflies, Liu Ka-Shiang reminded the readers earnestly that it is difficult, if not impossible, to fully comprehend the profound meanings of the dialogue with lives in nature writing by taking only a spiritual journey in literature at one's study room. (The Dao of Butterflies, p.26). Therefore, as a person who likes trees, I would start learning about trees and plants if I were to begin my nature expeditions."

俞若玫 Cally YU
YU Yeuk Mui (Cally YU), a Chinese writer, produces theater text, poems, short stories and critics, with strong concern on local cultural and social development.
「元朗大生圍,位近米埔濕地,受國際「拉姆薩爾濕地公約」保護,保留一片魚塘之色,加上獨特的歷史脈胳,在村民和香港觀鳥會努力下,保有難得的生態樂土,魚鳥蟲果村民鄰里並存,自有天地。 大生。圍。也似是個香港譬喻,大家都努力圍抱一片自由可居之地。」
"Tai Sang Wai, located near to Mai Po Wetland in Yuen Long, is protected by The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance to retain the scenery of the fishponds. Together with its historical context and the efforts of villagers and Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, this precious ecological paradise, a neighbourhood where the villagers live alongside with fishes, birds, insects and fruit in harmony, is preserved. The characters tai sang (to live together) and wai (to embrace) also seem like an analogy to Hong Kong, where everyone strives for a place they can live in with liberty."